If you’ve run your own web site or blog for any time at all then you’ve undoubtedly gone to your site at one point or another only to find it’s not online! Like most of us you probably called your web hosting company (you did get one with a technical support phone number didn’t you?) and they started working on the problem.
The only trouble is how long was your site down? How many visitors did you loose? How many sales were lost? The questions are endless.
But even if your site is online it may be too slow for people to use at times throughout the day. How would you know this? Well truthfully you wouldn’t but what you would see is a decrease in traffic. You might think you’re loosing visitors when really it’s just that your web site is too slow.
These questions plagued me for some time about my site. The good news is there are services that will send you an email (or text message to your cell phone) the minute your web site goes down. They will also measure how fast your site is throughout the day and give you nice graphical reports of how your site is performing hour-by-hour and day-by-day.
I recently came across such a service called InternetUptimeMonitor.com. They do all of the above and I’ve been pretty pleased with their service on my site. It gives me a lot of piece of mind knowing that throughout the day if my site goes down I’ll get an email.
If I have a day with low traffic do you know the first place I check? You got it—InternetUptimeMonitor.com. Why? Because maybe my site was really slow and that’s why my traffic was down!
InternetUptimeMonitor.com offers two flavors of their service Free and Paid (for Businesses). The differences between the two accounts are how often they check your site, if they watch it from around the world or just the USA, and if you get cell-phone text messages alerts or just email alerts.
If you’re a business that’s making any money at all online I’d recommend their business (Gold membership) because it costs you too much money to have your site down. If you’ve got a blog and use it for fun or aren’t making much money yet use the free membership.
Use this link below you’ll get 65% off their premium package when you’re ready to order. This is a special link I’ve been given for readers of my site and it’s not available to the general public:
Start Monitoring Your Website Now
Everyone should monitor his or her web site because you never know the next time your site will go down.